past Saturday, my kids went for exams
after that, I went back to another center to help put up the decorations, starring the tree
it's the first time me decorating for christmas and I am super exhilarated
it's about a foot taller than me, maybe a seven feet tall fake fir tree
we had to open up all the leaves and by the time my colleague and I were done, we had scratch marks over our hands and the tree fell on me once (it was heavy)
on Sunday, three of us were divided, me alone circling the tree with light; another the cotton snow and the another assisting the ladder
I had to leave midway, my student is taking his exam at another center
when I came back, the tree was done with lights and they were busy putting the ornamants
on Monday, more snow is put up, and I started wrapping gifts a.k.a. books and empty boxes
we didn't have enough so going back today to fill up the tree root
the tree after I came back from exam
before wrapping the cookbook
done : classic christmas gift
another cookbook to wrap
done : party style
have a break
kids will love this
attempting to wrap something I've failed zillion times
done, finally a success =)
trying something new again
done : funny wrapping
this is making me dizzy