Saturday, March 16, 2013


ever have a spark at collecting things?
my first ever collection was stamps
It lasted about 8 years before I gave the albums away
I also tried to collect Enid Blyton's Award Series story books. Didn't pursue the collection after finding loads in the school library
midway, I started folding stars and intended to fill up a big bottle, I stopped when I donated everything to class decoration. I tried folding again and gave up before I reach half bottle full, status:abandoned
Last year, I started off another hobby, collecting greeting cards and preserving them in photo albums, status:ongoing
Last year too, I started collecting ang paus for fun, and it became an obsession. I've managed to exchange from friends and colleagues, status:ongoing
Just recently, I bought stationaries for my students concert. Among them were two pretty 2B pencils. I have a few leftover, and it suddenly hit me....I'm going to collect pencils :D

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Some people collect useful things; money. I just don't find it interesting, I can't spend it..
Stickers too, I like to use them so I can't possibly keep them unless I buy extra
I collect plasters. But it's more of a blue moon thingy, not that serious
I have recycled my trophy collection. My dream was to collect as many as possible but it wasn't possible after I left school since I don't join competitions outside school life

Card collection

Sticker collection