Thursday, August 16, 2012

I, have a new identity
a parent called up for enquires
admin said she was looking for a sweet, wearing glasses female teacher who teaches 3 yr old children
I'm glowing =)
i'm currently teaching 3 year olds (major) and 4-5 year olds (minor) plus other minor music courses
have taught 17 three year olds (4 had graduated)
i wished i knew who that parent was..
would be excited to teach the child but there's another ongoing class with another experienced teacher
* * *
3 year olds are very curious, imaginative and mischevious
they have mood swings too
it's sometimes difficult to grip their attention for an hour
some teachers might reprimand or stern talk with a child in class
my method..i let them grow and learn at their own pace
(they sometimes run about too) so long as they don't do anything dangerous
i love my kids =)